Zach Rudulph is the bass player and Musical Director of Andy Grammer, a skilled craftsman of feelgood pop music. Everyone that has ever met Zach knows he's the right guy at the right place in that band, always wearing a smile and sending positive vibes. That does not take anything away from the hard work and great talent that has put him in this place and landing him great gigs over the years. We're happy to have Zach onboard as EBS pedal artist!
Here's what Zach says about playing EBS effects:
“The reputation of the EBS pedals definitely proceed them. There sturdy construction and consistent sound quality drew me in. I’m always on the move and unfortunately my gear often gets the brunt of the travel. All the pedals have taken it in stride including the Valve Drive with its warm tube! I'm not really much of a 'tweak with the knobs kinda guy' when i plug into the EBS pedals they do exactly what you expect with no loss in tone and low-end. My current pedal board is covered in EBS…"
Connect with Zach at:
Instagram: @zachonbass
Twitter: @zachonbass
Website: www.zachonbass.com
Tour dates and more with Andy Grammer at www.andygrammer.com
EBS Valve Drive DI
EBS OctaBass
EBS MultiComp